My blog as a software developer, data enthusiast, traveler and biostatistician — posting to
My coding projects can be found on the coding projects page.


COVID-19 shiny / plotly dashboard

Governments and COVID-19: Which one stops it faster, better, has fewer people dying? These questions get answered with my dashboard. A contribution to the shiny-contest: Intro COVID-19 is the […]


Celebration2020 – A great get together to celebrate 20 years of R-1.0.0

Last week (Feb 28th – Feb 29th) the celebration of 20 years R 1.0.0 took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. It turned out to be a fun conference. People told lots […]


Does using dtplyr make sense for all datasets? (UPDATED)

When Hadley Wickham published dtplyr 1.0.0 last week, I was super excited. Moreover, I wanted to know, if it really is a useful package. Therefore I performed some tiny research […]


3D GPS data animation – virtually climb the Alps

Using the amazing package rayshader I wanted to render a video of my tour to Alpe d’Huez. Now I created an R package that can use any GPX file and […]


Climbing Mt. Whitney with web browser automation and R

Mount Whitney is the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States and you need a permit to climb it. These permits are limited. But from time to time, somebody will […]


shinymeta — a revolution for reproducibility

Joe Cheng presented shinymeta enabling reproducibility in shiny at useR in July 2019. This is a simple application using shinymeta. You will see how reactivity and reproducibility do not exclude […]


The fastest cyclists of Europe live in …

Analyzing STRAVA data to find out which city has the faster cyclists with R and R-shiny. My contribution to the shiny contest. STRAVA is one of the most popular fitness tracking apps. […]


A shiny Web App from LEGO— truck + trailer

How to Build a Shiny “Truck” part 2 — Let the LEGO “truck” app pull a trailer. An example of a modularized shiny app. In September 2018 I used an automotive metaphor explaining a large […]


Travis CI for R — Advanced guide

Travis CI is a common tool to build R packages. It is in my opinion the best platform to use R in continuous integration. Some of the most downloaded R […]