Position Full Stack developer

Company functionHR GmbH

Link https://functionhr.com

Timeframe 08.2023 – now

Technologies R, R-Shiny, Docker, ReactJS, GitlabCI

FunctionHR is a company that specializes in the development of a self-service HR platform. The platform is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for HR processes and utilizes technologies such as R-Shiny, React, HTML, Javascript and ReactJS. Within this framework, a comprehensive HR dashboard was implemented that presents key HR performance indicators.

As a full-stack developer, I provide support in all areas of platform development. The self-service tool allows the creation of surveys. The HR dashboard contains key metrics to assess organizational health and performance, including:

  • Employee satisfaction: measuring employee satisfaction through surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • Turnover rate: Monitoring the rate of employee turnover within the organization.
  • Recruitment efficiency: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment process