My blog as a software developer, data enthusiast, traveler and biostatistician — posting to
My coding projects can be found on the coding projects page.


shinymeta — a revolution for reproducibility

Joe Cheng presented shinymeta enabling reproducibility in shiny at useR in July 2019. This is a simple application using shinymeta. You will see how reactivity and reproducibility do not exclude […]


Tutorial: An app in R shiny visualizing biopsy data — in a pharmaceutical company

Learn how to build a shiny app for the visualization of clustering results. The app helps to better identify patient data samples, e.g. during a clinical study. This tutorial is a […]


Interesting packages taken from R/Pharma

A few month ago I joined the R/Pharma conference in Cambridge, MA. As a take away I thought of my project and how I can improve, with solutions others provided. […]